Wednesday, July 3, 2013

can a runner be a body builder??

Missed a few days .... life just gets ahead of me or on top on me most of the time.... busy... So I have been looking into the issue of running vs being muscular... as my running is obviously being affected by gaining weight.... I feel like a big ass buffalo... There are two camps from research on this issue. The purist camp that says you can't build muscle and be a runner as running depletes your glycogen which is needed with your aminos to build muscle.. The second camp has a more moderate view stating, you can't be a marathon runner and expect to build muscle. However, you must eat more and never run the day after you do your leg work out. The gains will be slower but still possible.. Not sure what I think.... What do you all believe??? So to catch you up on training...Monday was chest/bench day. I increased my bench to 105 pounds last set could do 4. Tough. Finished with some incline dumbbells at 35 pounds and decline chest on the smith machine ending at 95.

Yesterday Shoulders:

DB Military Press 30: 12; 35 pounds 6, 6
Front Raises 20 pounds: 6,6,6
Side raises first 4 of the three sets @ 20 lbs and finishing each of the three sets at 15 pounds.

Today is back & deadlift days - plus some running this morning. As I said, I am finding it hard to clock a lot of miles some days due to perceived heaviness. very tough psychologically.

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