Friday, July 26, 2013

Struggling with calories

I have had the busiest week at work and not much time to post my progress.... Getting ready to go out and run my 5 miles - so logging in 15 miles of running this week plus 1 hour session of spin. My hardest struggle seems to be getting the right number of calories. My trainer suggests 1,700. Even though I eat 6x a day, it is small meals and doesn't seem to hit the mark most days. Carbs are an issue for me in that, my body just turns them into fat (I am convinced). I have PCOS and wonder if that has anything to do it... and I am talking good carbs. I do better lean wise and just feeling wise with a Paleo Diet. I don't get tired. I don't get sluggish, but likely harder to grow. So, this is a dilemma!!! I have done some reading on the net and like anything else, there are two camps - those that say you need carbs to build muscle and those that say that is untrue. Not sure really....

I am getting stronger in many areas of my weight training and plateauing in others. Can't seem to progress in Dead Lifts. It might be because I hate them. Just not a strong point. Legs - love them, could do them all day long. I have been getting below parallel with my squats!!! So, here was my leg work out from last night:

Squats: 95: 12; 135; 10; 145; 6; then back to 125:10 (trainer states trying to prevent nervous system fatigue)

Straight Leg Deadlifts: 85:12; 105: 12, 12
Bar Lunges - 95: 8, 8, 8
Seated Calves: 95: 6, 6, 6
Leg Extensions: 100: 10; 120: 8, 8
Outer Thigh Machine: 140: 12; 160: 12; 180: 8
Inner Thigh Machine: 100: 10, 10, 10
Cable Hamstring Curls on Bench: 50: 8, 8, 8
Seated Leg Press: 320; 10; 340:8; 360: 6

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