Well blogger friends, - the week is done!! Yeah!!! Yesterday was LEG DAY!!! This is what I did:
Squats 95: 12; 115: 8; 135: 6; 155: 4; 160: 4 (had to have help on the last two reps as I got stuck at the bottom). Apparently this is 16 pounds shy of the current master's champion weight in my weight class... hmm.. hard to believe that it is that impressive or maybe there is just not that many women who do power lifting (i think that is more the case) Soo....
straight legged deadlifts: 85:12; 105: 12, 12
Bar Lunge: 95: 8, 105: 8, 8
Outer thigh machine: 120; 12; 140; 12; 160; 8
inner thigh machine: 80: 12; 100: 8, 8
calves 70: 10: 80: 8, 7
extensions - 100: 8, 8, 8
Leg Press - 320: 12, 340: 8; 360 8
today I feel a little sore, but nothing too awful... Trying to look at my protein and calcium intake... Theoretically, one is to have at least 20 grams of protien every 3-5 hours to build adequate muscle. I actually think I do that. Not sure about the calcium... does anyone know amounts of calcium for female bodybuilders??? I will try to do some research on this and let you know.. I should have said: old, female bodybuilders as today I feel about 100!!!