Tuesday, October 22, 2013

200 pound deadlift at SPA meet Saturday 10/19

Well I am continuing to work to try to gain muscle. I weighed in at the SPA meet and went over 105 so that shifted me to the next weight class (kind of a bummer in a way).
Here is my 200 pound dead lift
I really think that I could have done more, but that was my last attempt. Had a great day really. I squatted 185 and benched 100. I have one more powerlifting meet in December to do before I switch over in January to start prepping for fitness/figure. I think that I have gained at least 4 pounds of muscle. I have to credit Beverly International's Creatine & Mass Aminos for my success (of course training helps a great deal too!!!)
Keep Lifting!!! M

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

5th in the Nation in female powerlifting 105 lbs, master's class!!

I have been waiting a little to get to the powerlifting competition before I posted. This was my first powerlifting competition and the goal of getting involved is to build more muscle. I attended the USPA powerlifting meet October 5th, 2013 in Springfield, MO. I set 3 USPA records for my weight class & age in: Bench, Squat & Deadlift, and I am now ranked 5th in the Nation for my age & weight. I did not do as well as I wanted to on squatting. My heaviest that morning was only 171 which is a far cry from what I had been doing at the gym. I don't know what the problem was, possibly didn't warm up enough and also not really a morning person. Didn't feel that great until we were later in the day. But for my first meet overall, pretty happy.

I am planning on doing at least one more December 14th before January when I switch over to preparing for figure/fitness competitions.

Keep Lifting!!! Marci

Friday, September 13, 2013

Squatting 190 lbs & the introduction to my fitness & supplement website!!

Seems like the time flies by and I miss blogging about what is going on towards my fitness journey! For starters, did my body fat & muscle tests at the beginning of the week & I have gained about 3 1/2 pounds of muscle! My body fat is around 19%. I weigh about 107. I feel really large..lol and my pants are waaay too tight for my liking. I ask my husband every day "Are you sure I am not ruining my body??" He says no, but whatever.

October 5th is my first USPA power lifting event. I would rather be doing the WBFF Oklahoma show, but I am trying to stay focused on building more muscle for their spring shows. Anyway, Yesterday, I squatted 190 pounds for 1 rep. Did: 95:12; 135: 8; 155: 6; 175:2 & 190: 1. Squatting for me is very much dependent upon what I eat prior to going to the gym and how well I have slept the night before.

Monday, I launched my new fitness & supplement website  tri-factor-lifestyle-management.com
Please check it out. My supplements are Beverly International & I can get you the best price. Currently, I use Muscle Synergy, Ultra 40 & Mass Aminos for muscle building. I recommend these supplements to anyone trying to make some muscle gains.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Big Leg Night - 400 pound seated leg press

I am definately increasing my weights in my leg workouts. Took Fast-Up from Beverly International and a cup of coffee prior to my workout and it gave me a great deal of energy - but not nervous energy which can suck. Here was the leg work out from yesterday:

SQUATS: 95: 12; 115: 10; 135: 6 155: 4; 175: 2
BAR LUNGE: 115: 6-8 reps for 3 sets
STRAIGHT LEGGED DEADS: 85:12; 105: 12, 12
SEATED CALF RAISE: 95: 8; 105: 6, 6
EXTENSION: 120: 10; 125:8, 8
OUTER THIGH MACHINE: 160: 12; 180: 8; 200: 8
INNER THIGH MACHINE: 100: 12; 105: 10: 110: 8
SEATED LEG PRESS: 360: 10; 380: 8: 400: 6

I am definately sore today!!


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lots of things happening in my world

I swear that it took me at least a half hour to actually get into my blog today - kept going through the password and username circle which wouldn't work!! This past weekend, I went to a great seminar on powerlifting put on by power lifting champs Colt Gibbon & Rick McDowell. Learned a lot. What was particularly interesting was the assistance exercises to improve your lifts. One of the things I am going to incorporate into my workouts now are good mornings - which I absolutely hate, but know my back needs some strengthening.

Yesterday was bench press day - chest & triceps. I am moving along in getting stronger. Here was my lifting schedule:
Bench Press: 45: 12; 85:8; 95: 4; 105: 3
Incline DB: 35: 10; 40: 6, 6
Cable Flyes: 30: 10, 10, 10
Smith Declines: 40_ 12; 50: 8: 60: 6


Overhead Press: 35: 12: 40: 8, 8
Press Downs: 90: 12; 100: 10: 110: 6
Cable reverse grips: 30: 12, 12, 12

Still struggling with the weight vs fat accumulation. I think that I am going to change my supplementation some. Still taking the Growth Factor, but now I am going to go on Muscle Synergy which is a combo of creatine & HMB. I have just been doing creatine. I also am going to start using my Liver Pills again (ugh .. they are the color of liver too)

My online Beverly International Supplement store and Trifactor Exercise program website is coming along. I hope to have it done in a couple of weeks. Learning how to put together a website & I have to admit I think it is challenging - but it is coming together nicely.   KEEP LIFTING!!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Dead Lift @ 185 and Squatting @ 165

Seems that I am progressing some! I have been getting fairly discouraged with lifting heavier and getting more muscular. I particularly hate the day that deadlifting comes up - back day. I have struggled with my grip and foot position. Finally figured out that I do well with the Sumo style of foot position. My trainer had to tell me to just think of it as a squat. Between the two I was able to deadlift 185 pounds which is about 30 pounds more than I have been doing. So hopefully that is a trend that will stay.

Yesterday, I actually had a little bit of an audience for squatting (which was weird cause it was all men). I squatted 165 which I guess is only 5 pounds away from the leading power lifter in my weight class (tiny- lol) at the Master's level. That is probably because there are only like 2 women doing the power lifting and not that this is so great on my part..LOL..My trainer seems to think I can go to Olympia with this?? strange thought...but hell sounds kind of exciting to me and I am all about that. So I this was the ole' leg work out yesterday:

Squats: 95: 12; 105: 10; 135: 8; 150: 6; 165: 4
Straight Legged Deads: 85: 12; 105: 12, 12
Seated Calf Raise: 90: 8, 8, 8
Extension: 100: 10; 120: 8, 8
Outer Thigh: 140: 12; 160: 12; 180: 8
Inner Thigh: 100: 10; 105: 8, 8
Leg Cable Curl: 50 pounds, 3 sets each leg
Seated Leg Press: 340: 12; 360: 10: 380: 8
Dumbbell Lunge: 20 pounds 4 sets of 8

Getting ready to go out and run a fiver today before it pours down rain. Tonight after work, I have ballet. This I love and have done for about 4 years. My extension sucks because of doing weight training - but it keeps me from going backwards flexibility wise.

Tomorrow I am attending a powerlifting event at our gym - benching for cash. I am not a participant, but I get to be a "weiner girl" LOL -- meaning I get to hand out free hotdogs. That should be if nothing at least interesting and.... I get to see what a meet is actually like.  HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Plateau and going backwards

Don't you just hate when you feel like you are sliding backwards from your goal instead of inching near it all the time. I suppose it is part of the process. Really struggling with the diet in terms of eating enough calories. Never thought that would be an issue LOL. I weigh 106 and my trainer keeps telling me I need to be about 115 to even think about walking on stage. I think that is what did it. It seems unreachable to me and I felt defeated. After bench and chest last night became really tired and managed to totally blow my diet with some lime flavored tortilla chips and later dark chocolate. Then I laid on the couch and slept; only to turn right around and go to bed. Sad and a fairly rare moment for myself. I am frustrated and now have to look at everything and regroup. I do keep a daily diary on everything I am doing. So this was the workout I did last night:


Bench Press: Bar 45; 12; 85; 8, 95: 6; 105: 4
Incline Dumbbell Chest: 35: 8; 40: 6,6
Decline Chest on Smith: 50: 10; 70:6; 50: 6
Chest Cable FLyes: 30:12; 40: 6,6

Overhead Dumbbell PRess: 35: 12; 40: 10, 10
Press Down with triangle grip: 90:12; 100: 10, 10
Cable Pull Backs: 30: 8, 8, 8

Tonight is a spin session as well as shoulders and biceps....... hopefully I can pull myself out of this!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Struggling with calories

I have had the busiest week at work and not much time to post my progress.... Getting ready to go out and run my 5 miles - so logging in 15 miles of running this week plus 1 hour session of spin. My hardest struggle seems to be getting the right number of calories. My trainer suggests 1,700. Even though I eat 6x a day, it is small meals and doesn't seem to hit the mark most days. Carbs are an issue for me in that, my body just turns them into fat (I am convinced). I have PCOS and wonder if that has anything to do it... and I am talking good carbs. I do better lean wise and just feeling wise with a Paleo Diet. I don't get tired. I don't get sluggish, but likely harder to grow. So, this is a dilemma!!! I have done some reading on the net and like anything else, there are two camps - those that say you need carbs to build muscle and those that say that is untrue. Not sure really....

I am getting stronger in many areas of my weight training and plateauing in others. Can't seem to progress in Dead Lifts. It might be because I hate them. Just not a strong point. Legs - love them, could do them all day long. I have been getting below parallel with my squats!!! So, here was my leg work out from last night:

Squats: 95: 12; 135; 10; 145; 6; then back to 125:10 (trainer states trying to prevent nervous system fatigue)

Straight Leg Deadlifts: 85:12; 105: 12, 12
Bar Lunges - 95: 8, 8, 8
Seated Calves: 95: 6, 6, 6
Leg Extensions: 100: 10; 120: 8, 8
Outer Thigh Machine: 140: 12; 160: 12; 180: 8
Inner Thigh Machine: 100: 10, 10, 10
Cable Hamstring Curls on Bench: 50: 8, 8, 8
Seated Leg Press: 320; 10; 340:8; 360: 6

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Squatting 160 pounds

I am getting quantitatively better (and qualitatively) at squatting and this week was able to squat 160 pounds (with help on the last 3). Apparently this is only 15 pounds shy of the master's champion in my weight class. I have until October to get past 175 pounds. Knee wraps really do seem to help as they provide the extra spring to get back up out of the squat and they protect your knees. Of course, they are wrapped soooo tight that you can't feel your feet. So, hopefully I won't lose any toes to blood deprivation lol. I went up in weight this week on most of my leg work out:

Squats: 95: 12; 135: 10; 155 8; 160 4
Stiff Legged Deads: 85: 12; 105; 12, 12
Seated Calf Raise: 70: 8; 80; 8,8
Extensions: 105 10; 120; 8, 8
Outer Thigh: 120; 12; 140; 12; 160; 12
Inner Thigh: 100: 10, 10, 10
Bar Lunges: 95; 10; 105; 8, 8
Seated Leg Press: 320; 12; 340; 10; 360 8

Ran 15 miles total and did one spin class. Getting ready to do Body Pump today -- my birthday (don't even take the day off for that) - 48 years old. Didn't think I would actually lived this long! lol. My husband of 22 years says that he feels that I look the best that I ever have - which is really sweet because I feel like the hulk. What is even more impressive is that after years of going to the gym together and we each do our own thing, - he has finally asked me to train him and is doing power lifting with me as he wants to change his body also!! Have a great day all!!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Beverly International!!

The most exciting thing that is going on right now (besides my hulkish growth..lol) is that I am now a private distributor for the greatest bodybuilding and health company in the world - Beverly International!! I am working on my product catalog and going to be putting up a website,etc. The benefits of this are that I can provide anyone interested in high quality body building products for a much lower price! Yeah!!

This weekend, my husband and I were in Chicago for my graduation from med school. I had two strangers in one day come up to me and tell me I am in great shape and wonder what I do to get that way. One seemed disappointed when I said "lots of weight and diet." Everyone wants to know the secret to getting in shape, but very few actually want to walk the walk. I also had two 18 year old girls the other day say out loud to me "I want to look like that!" That floored me as I triple their age. So.. I guess progressing.

Benched last night. Having a difficult time really increasing weight- ended at around 105. Then progressed to dumbbell incline 35 pounds for 3 sets of 8; decline bench at the smith machine 40: 12; 90; 8; 100; 6. Ended it all with 3 sets of 30 pounds for cable flyes. I actually got my husband into doing bench and my work out last night - which is amazing as we have worked out in tandem - but doing different things for years. He wants to change his body now. I am proud.

That is all for now----- keep pumping!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Squatting 165 pounds!

So yesterday went to the gym sporting my new knee wraps - which are black and pink and I thought pretty good. My trainer stated that they were not sturdy enough, but we tried them anyway. Wrapping knees for powerlifting OMG it is sooo tight that you can't feel your feet. But - I have to say that it gives you that extra spring to get back up from your squat and it gives you a safer feeling that your knees won't blow out. I did my last set of squats at 165 - for 4 (with help). Which doesn't sound all that impressive until I say that my weight is around 105. Then finished the following leg workout:

Straight leg deadlifts: 85: 12 reps; 105: 12 reps; 125: 12 reps
Bar Lunges: 95 pounds for 3 sets of 8
Seated Calves: 70: 8; 80: 8, 8
Extensions: 100 pounds: 10 reps; 110: 8; 120: 8
Inner Thigh Machine: 100 pounds: 8, 8, 8
Outer Thigh Machine: 120; 12; 140: 12; 160; 12
Seated Leg Press: 320: 12; 340: 10; 360: 8

Not sore today amazingly.!!

Another very exciting thing happened: I am pleased to announce that I am a private distributor for Beverly International!! They have the world's best quality body building, weight loss, health supplements! So, stay tuned and if you are needing any good quality supplements at an affordable price - I'm your girl..... NOW.... off to Chicago!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Drudgery & Stuff

Good Morning...well I have been busy training hard and feeling nothing but large..LOL. I spent most of the weekend resting and relaxing to prevent overtraining syndrome.. YUCK.. Decided that I will do the power lifting meet on October 5th instead of the WBFF show- a decision which I am still struggling with. I am going to take the advice of waiting and building quality muscle and do a couple of shows next year. Not happy with the decision, but I will try... ANyway.. got my "singlet" which is what you have to wear during a meet. It is just a tight spandex suit (great :( )At least it is pink and black! I also got some pink/black knee wraps, etc. Might as well be color coordinated if I have to wear this shit..ha.

Began the week with a 5 mile run & then did chest. Bench pressed quite a bit on Monday - ending with 4 reps of 115 lbs. I then did decline bar, and dumbbell incline press 35 pounds. Yesterday I tried Hot Yoga for the first time.. Really liked it, but sweat like a stuffed pig!! That made me tired. So then I hit the gym and kind of tanked on deadlifting and back. I am still struggling with deadlifting from the floor, so we are practicing with varying degrees of being near the floor. Wasn't able to deadlift more than 135 pounds. My trainer seemed frustrated with me, which always makes me feel bad and I have to fall back on  - give me a break I am soon to be 48, 105 pounds and tired! Moved on to pulldowns at 60 pounds and rows at 60 pounds. Getting ready for another run of 5 miles before it rains today and gets incredibly hot and muggy....

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

can a runner be a body builder??

Missed a few days .... life just gets ahead of me or on top on me most of the time.... busy... So I have been looking into the issue of running vs being muscular... as my running is obviously being affected by gaining weight.... I feel like a big ass buffalo... There are two camps from research on this issue. The purist camp that says you can't build muscle and be a runner as running depletes your glycogen which is needed with your aminos to build muscle.. The second camp has a more moderate view stating, you can't be a marathon runner and expect to build muscle. However, you must eat more and never run the day after you do your leg work out. The gains will be slower but still possible.. Not sure what I think.... What do you all believe??? So to catch you up on training...Monday was chest/bench day. I increased my bench to 105 pounds last set could do 4. Tough. Finished with some incline dumbbells at 35 pounds and decline chest on the smith machine ending at 95.

Yesterday Shoulders:

DB Military Press 30: 12; 35 pounds 6, 6
Front Raises 20 pounds: 6,6,6
Side raises first 4 of the three sets @ 20 lbs and finishing each of the three sets at 15 pounds.

Today is back & deadlift days - plus some running this morning. As I said, I am finding it hard to clock a lot of miles some days due to perceived heaviness. very tough psychologically.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Well blogger friends, - the week is done!! Yeah!!! Yesterday was LEG DAY!!!  This is what I did:
Squats 95: 12; 115: 8; 135: 6; 155: 4; 160: 4 (had to have help on the last two reps as I got stuck at the bottom). Apparently this is 16 pounds shy of the current master's champion weight in my weight class... hmm.. hard to believe that it is that impressive or maybe there is just not that many women who do power lifting (i think that is more the case) Soo....
straight legged deadlifts: 85:12; 105: 12, 12
Bar Lunge: 95: 8, 105: 8, 8
Outer thigh machine: 120; 12; 140; 12; 160; 8
inner thigh machine: 80: 12; 100: 8, 8
calves 70: 10: 80: 8, 7
extensions - 100: 8, 8, 8
Leg Press - 320: 12, 340: 8; 360 8
today I feel a little sore, but nothing too awful... Trying to look at my protein and calcium intake... Theoretically, one is to have at least 20 grams of protien every 3-5 hours to build adequate muscle. I actually think I do that. Not sure about the calcium... does anyone know amounts of calcium for female bodybuilders??? I will try to do some research on this and let you know.. I should have said: old, female bodybuilders as today I feel about 100!!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

little tired today.. been burning the candle at both ends physically!! Shoulders and biceps yesterday and a 5 mile run.. plus 3 hours of dance class last night.... no cardio today - but it is leg day which I love....

Yesterday's Shoulder routine:

dumbbell military press - 30 lbs 10 reps; 35 pounds 8, 8 reps
Bar mid pull ups - 60 lb for 12, 70 lbs 8, 8
side raise - began at 20 pounds for the 3 sets, did 4 reps and then finished each set with 15 pounds
dumbbell rear delts - 12 lbs for 12, 15 pounds 10, 10

Yesterday's Biceps (hate biceps):

machine bar curl - 60 pds: 8, 8, 8
hammer curl - 20 lbs: 6, 6, 6

just feel fat & big really :(

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My trainer, Christina McDowell and myself. Christina is a wonderful trainer - encouraging yet fairly firm. Very knowledgeable. So started the week off yesterday with the powerlifting team beginning with bench press. Still stuck at 95 pounds for my last set - but I was able to do about 4! Moved on to floor press - which I guess works on your midrange and was at 85 pounds my last set. Dumbbell Press was next - 35 pounds ended with 8 of these and finally cable flyes 3 sets ending at 30 pounds. Went on to work triceps: Press - ending at 100 pounds 4 reps; overhead press: 35 pounds ending with 8 reps and lastly reverse cable triceps using 30 pounds for 10 reps at the end. I also ran 7 miles in the morning. Received my Beverly order and am starting the Growth Factor today. Going to start out at a fourth of the dose at this point just to see what I notice, if anything... hopefully it will help some. Today is a spinning day and back/biceps - which means deadlifts and beat up shins.. I did buy some cool pink soccer shin guards but at this point not sure if they are a help or a hinderence!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Powerlifting & Such

Yesterday was Squatting & Leg Day-- ended my last squatting set doing 155 lbs for 4 (needed help on last one). Apparently I have some degree of forte in this.. was told that record for my weight class at this point is 176 lbs for squatting. Trainer feels that I could actually place and qualify for different events/things as this is only my third power lifting week. Who would've figured. All I know is that it feels heavy & I worry about getting back up, farting, whatever. Was told by my trainer that a girl actually peed on the mat after doing her lift -- definitely do not want that. So then I completed the following:

straight legged deadlifts = 85; 12 reps; 105 10 reps; 125; 10 reps
Bar Lunges = 95 pounds 3 sets of 10
leg extension = 100 lbs 10 reps; 105 8 reps; 100 10 reps
Outer thigh machine - 120 for 12; 140 for 10; 160 for 10
inner thigh machine - 80 for 12; 100 for 8, 2x (the weak link)
leg press - 320 lbs 10 reps; 340 lbs 8 reps; 360 6 reps
seated calve raise - 70 lbs for 10 reps; 90 pounds for 8 2x

Feel stiff today and today is only a running day. will try for a 7 miler but it is already 10:00 am and feels pretty damn muggy -- ugh. then heading to work - double ugh!!!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Yesterday was a big day - launched my fitness program: Trifactor

Yesterday I did a lot: ran 7 miles in the morning which was nice as it was in the earlier morning when it was still cooler. Later in the day I hit the gym and did shoulders and biceps. Was able to do a 2 sets of military presses at 35 pounds (but only was able to get 4 reps with a spot). Still good... went on to front raise. I am stuck at pounds so trainer suggested going to 20 on one set doing what I could do and then finishing the set at the 30 - as a way to get to 20 pounds. I was surprised, but I actually could do 4 reps with a 20. Went on to lateral raises at 15 pounds and then rear delt machine ending at 80 pounds at 8 reps...

Finally received my brochures for the Trifactor program I created and brought them to work and will start an all out campaign. Here is a couple of pages from my brochure (sorry my scanning abilities suck and I haven't gotten to the point of creating a web page or a facebook page yet.:

I am finally combining my too massive amount of education (Psy., M.D. and certified trainer) into one program - yeah. Promise I will get better images on it
Ended the day with a disagreement with my spouse again as to which approach to take: does one keep attending competitions and grow and change along the road to hopefully the win or does one just wait for a year and go for the wow factor... I don't think either approach is wrong. However, I am the only one in the see it as a process approach..LOL... Ordered the Growth Hormone Promotor today so we will see what that actually does. It is Leg/Squat day today -- ugh!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The debate on can you build enough muscle in 12 weeks.........

So, my trainer and I are in disagreement about doing the wbff show in Oct 2013. My trainer(s) think that I will make some improvement, but not enough to "wow." My stance is, I see it as a process, practice and something to pull me forward in time so I can get focused -- and I think, based upon my reading, that one can make significant changes in 12 weeks particularly in hypertrophy. -- and being the oppositional sort to start with, well this is just really getting to me. According to many experts, the high set, high rep approach is the way to it (along with a clean diet) and supplementation. Soo.., if anyone has any thoughts or experience in this would definitely like to hear what you have to say... So, yesterday was back day.. started off with what seemed like 100 deadlifts. Ended with 155 lbs - 1 rep. Couldn't do a second one after we did so many sets prior to this. tired. Started wearing shin pads which helped some. Also did pull downs - last set 80 lbs for 10 reps. then machine rows - ending with 80 pounds again for 10 reps..

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A new week begins....

yesterday took my measurements... bicep 9.5, thigh 19.5... just feel fat really. After being on the Muscle Synergy for 1 week.. not sure I like it. It has HMB in it which I have tried in the past and didn't really like how it made me feel, plus I can't take the lean out with it.. which I probably should take, but am as I really don't want to get sloppy fat in this process. So in terms of supplements this is what I am going to do: Mass Aminos, Ultra 40, Fit Tabs, Lean Out, UMP, 3000 mg Creatine, 3000 mg Glutamine, of course protein powder. I think I am going back to Density also which is just high amounts of essential aminos and I may try Beverly's Growth Hormone. Yesterday was bench day.. 5 sets total: 45: 12; 65: 10: 85: 8; 95: 4, 3... rounded it out with machine incline press: 35: 12; 40: 8; 45: 6. Then dumbbell flyes 30: 12; 35: 8, 8. An hour of body pump then pretty much did me in for the night. I am getting more able to significantly increase my weights on exercises so this alone will help loads.

Friday, June 14, 2013

my progress in 2 years time- before and now

I was just looking at the changes I have made since doing my first competition in 10/2011 to last one 5/13. A lot of work there. Hopefully, I can progress from there. Received my mass aminos and Muscle Synergy from Beverly International - let's see what these do when thrown into the mix. Yesterday was Squat /Leg day. was able to do about 3 at 145 pounds. Today my back is sore. Feel bigger, but likely psychological and this will be a large obstacle for me. My psychological sense of myself is light and small, but I am starting to feel some mass which feels weirdly scarey...LOL

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I missed writing yesterday. Day of errands and getting brakes put on cars.. Second deadlifting session. did 6 sets and ended with deadlift of 135. pretty good. Looking into some type of shin guard as some of my skin came off and I have lots of bruises. Will look great with a dress.LOL.  Losing my cuts from competition and starting to put on a little bit of body fat again. Causing me some anxiety as my goal is to try to build without putting on a lot of fat. Need to really concentrate on my diet again. Waiting for my Beverly International Products. I am trying muscle synergy - which is to promote muscle growth and strength. I saw that it has several of the amino acids that are in their growth hormone product.. so maybe I won't need to try the growth hormone. Not sure at this point! Will try to run 7 today but will be pretty hot today so have to get out soon. Then work and to the gym for a workout of shoulders, bis and tris.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday Morning Again!! Measurements have not changed in 1 week (of course): bicep 9 .5; thigh = 19 inches. Have really had some thoughts about trying to add Growth Hormone to my supplements. Not sure. Really need to research the side effects of it's use.. Anyone know anything about it that they would like to share? Over the weekend I did a 7 mile run and an hour of body pump. Yesterday big rest day. Today going to run 7 and then it is my second session of bench pressing. Here is a great recipe for Asian Turkey Sliders with Wasabi Sauce:

1/4 cup of low fat cottage cheese
2 tsp of 1% milk
8 oz ground 100% turkey breast
2 tsp sesame oil
2 tsp reduced sodium soy sauce
2 garlic cloves minced
1/4 tsp pepper
1 large egg
3 tbsp. ground sesame seeds
6 whole wheat dinner rolls
wasabi: reduced mayo
wasabi paste
put cottage and milk in a processor for 1 min. in a large bowl put the cottage mixture and remaining ingredients and make patties. grill or cook patties 5-7 minutes each side. mix sauce ingredients in own bowl and top patties!

Friday, June 7, 2013

This is what dead lifts do to your shins.. not the greatest pick, but I think you get the idea. My trainer and I tried sumo vs classic dead lifting stance and I was much stronger on the latter. I did 3 sets of 6 2 95 pounds - but it tore the shit out of my shins. damn. I also did shoulders yesterday and my last set did 35 pounds with a spot 6 reps. Not bad.... so  today woke up with a class of body pump and it is about it for the week. Here is my favorite treat recipe:
 Chocolate PB Protien Brownie
1 cup of Oat Flour
4 egg whites
2 scoops of Chocolate Protien Shake Mix
1 tsp of baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/4-1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/2 cup of Coconut Milk
1/2 cup of Natural Peanut Butter
mix together and spray an 8 x 8 Pyrex dish with pam. Put batter in and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean - makes 8 - 9 brownies
HAPPY WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I love this pic even though it is kind of grainy looking. This was two years ago at the Proam in St. Louis (NPC). Adela is one hero. She is the essence of strong and beautiful. My chi Sasha went with us to the event and Adela liked her. This motivates me to look at....

Today is my deadlifting introduction, plus shoulder work out and back of legs. Then 1 hour of spin. Spin is a great way to trim fat off your legs. My instructor says that you can burn more than 500 calories in a single session. I don't know about that part, but I am addicted to the results..... I have had people give me feedback that I look more muscular now. Don't know about that either, it has only been two weeks. I am guessing my glycogen stores are just back after weeks of low carb dieting.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

my ass and legs hurt this morning

Power squatted yesterday. I squatted 145 pounds which is more than my body weight! It is very difficult to get the right form on squats; holding the bar at the correct place on your back, wide stance and going down past parallel. Then finishing with extensions, calves and some straight leg dead lifts. Sore to walk around and get out of bed this morning - but great. Thinking about finding a professional posing instructor in the Springfield-Branson MO area. Believe it or not, there is a whole skill set to walking and posing on those 5 - 6 inch heels. It is very difficult to hit the right poses, at the right times and in a fluid, graceful manner!! If anyone knows of a professional posing coach - let me know!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

This morning is a day off and a big day....Yesterday I started my power lifting and I bench pressed 95 pounds with a little help - but that is very close to my bodyweight which is currently about 102. I am pretty sore today though! Today is squat day and leg day. First power lifting session for squatting this pm. I usually don't have problems squatting to parallel, but going past it will be a challenge with heavy weight so we will see what happens!. Finish the night with an hour spin class. Just pondering how much bigger can one get in 4 months and is it possible to gain size in that amount of time???

Monday, June 3, 2013

Beginning the day with a breakfast of champions: 4 oz top round steak, 1/2 cup of oatmeal with 1 scoop protein powder (with a few pecans and blackberries). Not a bad way to start the day and coffee of course otherwise I can't get my ass moving.

Trainer, Christina McDowell says that I need a measurement goal- to see an increase in size so I will use my bicep & thigh: Bicep 9 3/4 inches, Thigh 19. The thigh one is going to get to me as I think they are rather thunderous to begin with, so the idea of the measurement going up is rather scary to me...LOL

I will begin my day with a 5 mile run.. I actually then have to go to work to pay for this sport (and I don't have a sponsor) Competitions are extremely costly. I can easily drop $1,000 for one. yes, pick your teeth up off the floor: registration, tanning, hotel, gas, food.. and wbff add costume, shoes, etc...adds up pretty quickly. After work, I will hit the gym for my first session with the power lifting team. Bench press is today, followed by the rest of my chest work out!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day one of my procard journey

May 25th in Kansas City, MO I entered my first WBFF show in the Diva Fitness Model Category.

I did not place at all which is pretty defeating given all the hours pumping iron at the gym and the incredible diet that you have to do for months on end. But, I am proud of what I have been able to achieve at 47 (almost 48 years of age)! Wrote the judges and got my feedback and essentially - great conditioning not enough muscle :(  I use Beverly International Supplements. Wrote to them and they provided me with a female building muscle protocol: 1500 calories a day. The staples of the carbs used: oatmeal, sweet potatoes and brown rice. I don't even really like sweet potatoes, but oh well. So keeping essential amino acids, creatine, and Liver protein pills, glutamine and basic vitamins. My trainer had me join the power lifting team - which will be a scream as I weigh about 102 right now. I have to build muscle and the best way to do so are your power moves such as squats, deadlifts, etc. I want to do OK WBFF show this October 5. My trainer says that I should wait to do KC again in the following year. I agreed to wait and see how I look by September - four months away. Surely I can pack on some muscle in 4 months. I am anxious as I would like to meet my pro goal by the time I am 50 and I hear that clock ticking very loudly in my ear!!!!!